It is our basic policy to contribute to the personal and professional development of our company employees, to keep their morale and motivation at the highest level and to increase our productivity with them.

With the awareness that the most important capital is human, we ensure that our employees receive the best occupational safety training for a healthy, peaceful and reliable working environment.

Our company, which is aware of the importance of teamwork, attaches importance to corporate communication by supporting the value of "TO BE US" inside and outside the company.

Recruitment activities are carried out in an ethical, transparent and fair manner and the placement of the candidate in the most appropriate position forms the basis of our recruitment policy.

In which position do you want to work?

Your Personal Information

Name surname
Date of birth
Place of birth
Mobile phone
Military Status

General Information

Do You Have Any Health Problems
Your marital status
Is Your Spouse Working?
Your Driver's License

Your Education Information

Education status
Write from the last school you graduated from.
Education Information
Education Information

Your Language Education

Foreign language

Computer Programs You Use


Your Reference Information

Your references?

The Fee You Requested?